Looking for a Vida mortgage?

We are 100% committed to distributing our mortgages through intermediaries.

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Let's Get Life Moving

We believe that professional, authorised mortgage advisers perform a very valuable service in advising customers on what can be a complex choice of lenders and products to best fit their needs. That's why we are 100% committed to distributing our mortgages through intermediaries and do not offer mortgage advice directly to customers.

We recommend that you take the advice of an authorised mortgage intermediary, either your own or, if you don't have one, by using the Unbiased.co.uk website to find advisers in your area.



Customer quick links

Get in touch with us on 0344 892 0155 and speak to our friendly team or find more information with these useful links:

〉Contact us

〉Existing Customers

〉Support with financial difficulties